BVT Sweden offers solutions for various applications related to power generation and process steam in multiple markets. With extensive experience in Combined Heat and Power, Combined Cycle PP, Concentrated Solar Power, and Super Critical PP, the company provides critical control valves for bypass, de-superheating, isolation, and spray water control applications. They offer their products and services to manufacturers of turbines, Heat Recovery Steam Generators, and utility boilers for power generation worldwide. BVT Sweden's critical control valves are used in various applications, including bypass, de-superheating, isolation, and spray water control, ensuring the efficiency and safety of power generation processes.

A steam desuperheater is used for reducing the temperature of superheated to steam close its saturation point, where thermal efficiency is highest. This is performed by injecting spray water into the steam flow. Spray water flow is controlled by an external water control valve and injected perpendicular to the steam flow using a series of spring-loaded spray water atomizing nozzles. The steam pipe is protected from thermal stresses by a welded liner which also acts as a flow profiler, increasing the relative steam velocity near the nozzles and improving evaporation.

The BVT-PB is a steam conditioning valve optimized for auxiliary and process steam. The application for process steam may range from petrochemical plants to pulp and paper, where the valve is typically installed in parallel to a steam turbine and controls the downstream pressure and temperature.

The BVT-PB is a steam conditioning valve optimized for auxiliary and process steam. The application for process steam may range from petrochemical plants to pulp and paper, where the valve is typically installed in parallel to a steam turbine and controls the downstream pressure and temperature.

The BVT-PB is a steam conditioning valve optimized for auxiliary and process steam. The application for process steam may range from petrochemical plants to pulp and paper, where the valve is typically installed in parallel to a steam turbine and controls the downstream pressure and temperature.